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Bugs in COREP Taxonomy v.1.2.4
Id. Taxonomy Files affected Bug Description Found by Severity Date
1 p-ci-2006-07-01.xsd p-ci-2006-07-01.xsd Error in the type definition of a concept The concept "p-ci_ExposureWeightedAverageMaturityValueDays" should be of the type "nonNegativeIntegerType" because "0" is also a possible value. Mark Creemers (Bank of Belgium) Medium 2007-06-11
2 p-op-2006-07-01.xsd p-op-2006-07-01-calculation.xml Error in the calculation rule for column 9 in the OPR template The calculation for the element "p-op_CapitalRequirementsBeforeAlleviation" should be redefined to express the rule: (9) = (7) - (10) - (11) Jérôme Poupard (Bank of France) Low 2008-07-09
Severity High: the bug impacts on the reporting process. For instance, the problem in t-ss would render valid instance documents invalid according to business templates. Medium: the bug does not impact on the reporting process. For instance, an item that should be of type monetary positive instead of just monetary (it improves the validation, but does not prevent the file to be reported). Low: aesthetic bugs. For instance, errors in IDs or in the local name of some concepts. This bugs do not impact at all in the reporting.
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